My forthcoming game on the yaroze :)

I've been talking a good talk for ages now, time to put forth something for the world to look at.....
(and no James Russell , I didn't use anything appart from libgs for any of it).

Trick's you'll encounter:

There'll be more, here's a few real early piccies for now.....(not a lot of textures on the models, and the world model is in it's early stages).


Notice that the fogging is radial not Z depth :)

The pictures above and  below show the use of static (embedded) point lighting created using RsdANIM.

The piccie above shows two animated charaters (the main character and the mushroom), a single axis chrome mapped  powerup (chrome/env mapping doesn't show up well in a screenshot, just believe me that it's there), and a scaling lightfield effect from the main character.

Page Design by Craig Graham.