
Pocket Pilots is a Flying Action Adventure. Players start with a small lineup of 2 pilots and their miniature toy planes, and guide them through various levels. Pocket Pilots is played in some very unusual sceneries: kitchen, bedrooms, attics, gardens and more. The emphasis of the game is exploration and target shooting.

The target of the game is to find all the hidden pilots and planes, equip them with all the attributes to be found in the levels, get all medals in every level and defeat the all the enemies.

Product Overview

Player controls a miniture toy-plane and must win aviation prices in different levels inside the rooms and hallways of houses, offices and factories. For each level there are 4 prices to be won. There is a medal to be won in target shooting, one in stunt flying, one in exploration and puzzle solving and one so called Challenge-price.

Player has the ability to shoot and fire missiles. All levels are totally free to fly in, these levels are designed for exploring the various contents of the room like hidden enemies, powerups, bonus targets and secret passages to other parts of the level.

The User Experience: Throughout the game there is a strong emphasis on exploration, secret levels and item search , almost to a degree where this game can be considered as a 3D - platform game with wings. Since there is no time limit to each mission and the tasks in the game are easy to start with they leave enough room for players to find out hidden items or passages in the scenery.

Platform:Pocket Pilots is intended for Playstation and later for CD-ROM

Appeal: The appeal of the game lies in different things:

  1. Natural feel; the mixture of household type levels, toy planes and cartoony feel comes almost natural and should attract a lot of game players, who have wondered when such a game would appear.
  2. The freedom of design; the levels in which the game is played offers room for exploration; players keep coming back to check if they haven’t missed a part; by providing enough clues and hints that there is in fact more in every level.
  3. Appeal to younger players; The game is easy to for younger players to start in; they can’t crash; early levels provide little enemy fire and frankly just flying around and shooting at random targets make kids very happy.
  4. Appeal to older players; although the game is easy to begin with, experienced players can make it as hard on themselves as they like, they can try to capture that special bonus balloon or find that special hidden entrance to a harder part of the level.
  5. Extra features; mission aren’t the only means of game play provided; there are racing modes; multiplayer modes (internet play on PC version); and experienced players can fine-tune their crafts with the items they have found/won in the levels.
  6. Humour; levels are designed in an appealing way for older players to enjoy it; there’s recognition in the form of enemy design and mission types, for instance in one level the player must stop a bunch of dogs patrolling through the snow in the backyard before they reach "rebel base", this level is very much like the AT-AT’s in the Empire Strikes Back. Another level sees the arrival of a speeding toy train that’s on the lose through the house, on the end of the track lies a Barbie doll, player must try to stop the train; this level is designed in a very James Bond type of manner (even tuxedo’s are included); and real time animation at the beginning and end of each level should provide a few laughs.

Time: Playing time for the missions should be more than 15 hours; however since players can come back for more exploration and there are melee and race options playing time can be extended tremendously.

Similar Products: Not really, but can be considered a cross between Starfox, Diddy Kong Racing and Micro Machines

Play-mechanics & Basic Concepts

From the startup animation the player arrives in the menu screen where the following options are available




Load Mission

Training School

Controller Setup

Sound Setup

Default Button config:


Bonus Items carried by yellow balloons:



copyright 1997,1998 Little Studio