Old Reports

3 June 1998     news.playstation.co.uk is now fixed.
30 May 1998     Cannot connect to news.playstation.co.uk.
                Pinging the machine is fine, but no connect.

9 June 1998     Those links are now working - finally!
Before I        Search facilities still creates links to
came(!)         archived articles to the old server name -
                chuka.playstation.co.uk, instead of the
                current - www.netyaroze-europe.com.

???             Updated outside on Main Pages but not
                on Net Yaroze server. WHY?
Before I        News on the Web Pages were last updated
came(!)         on 20 March. Since then, there have been
                newer announcements (re: Fame Game winners),
                but this has not been reflected in the
                web pages.