Linköping university ... Andreas Björklind

This is the Net Yaroze home page belonging to Andreas Björklind at the Department of computer and information science at Linköping university in Sweden. I have a few plans about using the Net Yaroze in the teaching here.

To the right you can read what I wrote for Sarah Bennett at Sony for their press release regarding Net Yaroze in the end of January.

The computer and information science department at Linköping university just invested in a Net yaroze system. Initially we will be using the Net yaroze in two courses. One course will focus on the cultural, business, social and legal aspects of the video game industry in general and PlayStation/Net yaroze in particular. This course (Information and media science) will also study the Computer Mediated Collaborative aspects of the Net yaroze site. Obviously students in the programme may also use the system for developing, but it is not the focus.

The second course is an advanced Computer Graphics course at the Norrköping campus. There the Net yaroze will be presented as one of the projects available for the students. In this project the students will be required to develop, test and present a Net yaroze implementation.

In addition, the Net yaroze will be offered for senior students' projects at the department.

For more information, please contact Andreas Björklind, Director of Studies, Department of computer and information science, Linköping university, S-581 83 LINKÖPING, Sweden.

Email, telephone +46 13 28 19 69, fax +46 13 14 22 31, cellular +46 705 40 63 83. My official department web page at

Last updated 1998-02-01

My collection of PlayStation related linx...