*       NYoosletter    *
\*---------------------*/<*Yaroze Stuff*>
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Worst newsletter in the history of mankind. Featuring all the news that's fit to print (and quite a bit that isn't).

Evenin' each. Here it is: the GDUK special. I've been shockingly busy this week, so I've left all this to the last minute. I didn't get any new contributions, so I'm going to have to wing it this time. Apologies to everyone for dumping this steaming great pile of crap on you, but I'm sure you'd feel even more cheated if the NYoosletter didn't show up at all.

I put together a really crappy mailer which I've set up to inform people when they sign up to the list. Sendmail only seems to send messages once every hour at the moment, so new members might be in for a bit of a wait. You can sign up at: The mailer can also be used to post the NYoosletter, but it would take at least an hour to send. I'll use it in case of emergiencies.

I fixed another problem with the archive. It should look as it was intended now:

Apologies to anyone who showed up at the Duke last week, but my colleagues and I were seen off the premises after someone thought it would be a good idea to pick a fight with a Liverpudlian scaffolder.

If anyone fancies putting a NYoosletter sign-up form on their pages, then here's the HTML:

<INPUT NAME="email" VALUE="your e-mail address here" type="text" size="25" maxlength="40">


Feel free to play around with the appearance. I've checked it on the dial-up and it works ok. Don't want to sound snobby, but I'd rather keep this on official member pages (SCEE, SCEA or SCEI - we're all one big happy family after all). I promise that the NYoosletter won't look quite so shit in future.

Another appeal for volunteers. If anyone's got anything to submit (games info, Yaroze info, links, photocopies of the PA's arse etc.) then drop me a line at the usual address ( - for the time being at least=). Also, now that the mailer is set up, it is possible for other people to post to the list (as long as I give them the keys so to speak). That would be handy for anyone who reckons they could put together a better newsletter (and face it: you could). It'd be great to have a couple of volunteers on standby in case I get hit by a car or something. I'm going to keep this going for as long as possible, just to prove that it can work.

* Description: Simple newsletter thing  v00.00_01a                        *
* Credits: Last minute entry - Mat Simpson for the CEX stuff.             *

**GDUK Results**

For anyone too lazy to check the news page, here are the results:
The winner, and new heavywei.. I mean: the winner is.. Chris Chadwick, by a unanimous points decision. Managing to scoop up best Yaroze Game _AND_ best Overall Game. Proud winner of a tacky trophy and six grand. Announced literally minutes before I'm posting this thing off. Not sure how well this'll go down (but I have to admit: some of the BB screen transitions were staggering). Congrats Chris. Commiserations Nick and Rob. If Chris dies an untimely death, then I'm sure we won't have to look far:

Hope to see pictures of the party, just to find out if anyone actually did show up in a kilt.

**Fill In The Blanks**

// Had a bit of a browse round the SCEA pages for a change. It's difficult
// to see what's been updated when, but there were a couple of snippets I
// hadn't seen before.
'Decaying Orbit' looks pretty good. I haven't checked it yet, but the screenshots of the level editor looked cool. I'm pretty sure this is old news though. Mr Cartier also managed to cain my arse at Grav (along with just about everyone else who submitted a time). The pages look pretty good as well. Just a taste of what you're missing if you don't ever take a peek over the fence.

Really old news. I remember hearing about this a couple of months back:
The 'Holli Dance' demo. Available on BeOS, SGI and Quick Draw 3D on the Power Mac (with Windows and Linux versions in the works). There's a Yaroze version as well (of course). Some bird who gyrates in time to music. One of the best examples of a fully animated 3D model.
More stuff on 'Game 1'. Early playable version available for download. Beginners resources and other stuff available. Scott's pissed off to California for a couple of weeks. Git.

The Grav Compo:
Proof that a bit of friendly competition can succeed if you blackmail enough people into entering. Deadline has been extended till November 30th, but there could be another extension. Not that it needs any more promotional help, but it's one of the most interesting things happening at the moment.
Updated site. If you like Java; you'll love this. If you don't like Java, then you're going to find it incredibly, incredibly annoying. It loads pretty quick I suppose.
Arm'd and Dangerous. New member, with enough guts to put his mug on the front page. Member of an Acorn development team. Got 'Super Snail' in the download bin, and it actually looks rather good. Already a sequel in the works.
New member with a bare-bones page set up. Working on some Java games on his personal pages. There's a Galaxian clone up and running, though I haven't tried it yet.
Rob Swan's set up a message board for people to leave their game ideas. I had a couple of ideas I was considering:

1) Virtua Chicken. Basically, you control a chicken. You can make it scratch, peck and cluck. I sort of meant it to be like 'The Great Escape', but it ended up like watching a picture of a knackered tv in a blizzard on a knackered tv (only without the gameplay). As an extra treat, I was going to include a two-player death match where you strap razors onto their feet and watch them fight in a pit. I did consider doing a badger baiting sim as well, but quickly shelved both ideas.

2) More of a concept than a game. I'm pretty sure this is the ultimate idea. Sort of a cross between 'Balance of Power' and 'Elite'. I've no idea how it'd work though, but it sounds impressive. There'd have to be some brainless arcade bits thrown in to counter for my short atten.. oh, forget it.
Announced Gorf. BTS updated.
Finally updated. I didn't have the heart to point out that the index is still a blank page, the ftp area is still empty, and I can't find the pages anywhere. I've hunted round for the pages, but came to the conclusion that it was just a cruel joke. Shame, 'cos I really needed something to write about.

'nother piece of ART!!!:
That reminds me: I had a javascript thingymabob a while ago that printed out peoples usernames (some of you might remember it. No? Oh well..). "Spod welcomes 'undefined javascript error 0x03f8' to the webs Gr8est Yaroze site!!!". Not half as good as "This page has been visited 'Empty QUERY_STRING' Times".

Another update to the Yaroze tutorials:


Game trade-in row. Probably some other stuff.

//Bits 'n Bytes\\
**Stuff that was hot about 6 months ago..**
Better than nothing I suppose..
Former colleague (now works at CEX). Promised I'd plug his site. Got a mention on FGN about the pocket Neo Geo thing. I only just found out about it, so I don't have any details for you (sorry). Pop over to Aargh if you want to find out more.
Ironically enough: on-line from today - the CEX site. Put together by afore-mentioned co-conspirator.
I love this bit. A list of games that they _don't_ want you to buy. Inspired.
Private joke. I quite like the animated gif though.
Download 'Robosaurs versus The Space Bastards'. They stopped they're free e-mail address thing though (pity, 'cos I could always do with a couple more).

Yonks old, but you can get the hand-held megadrive (Nomad) for about sixty UKP. Only plays US games at the moment, but works with an adaptor. I heard something about a hand-held SNES as well.

Sega have given up on the Saturn. Development stops at the end of this year. About time for us retro-heads to adopt it as a cult classic.

If you happen to be in Hong Kong, you can pick up a Dreamcast for about 600 US Dollars. There's no software or anything, but you can still buy one (if you're stupid enough).

Final Fantasy: The Movie. Sorry, but I can't imagine a movie title where they include the words 'The Movie' without thinking about some really corny video trailer. I was in hysterics when I heard about 'My Little Pony: The Movie'.

More product tie-in stuff: Zelda novel to be published. Says it'll include tips about the upcoming N64 release in the plot.
Recently launched site about some obscure video game.

Golden Eye gets first place in the BAFTA Interactive Entertainment awards thing.

Dawn of Darkness expansion pack announced for Quake 2. "Not just another first-person shooter" a spokesman for the company claims.

Nintendo get exclusive rights to the new Star Wars movie licenses.

Oh dear. Ten minutes to go and I've run out of stuff to say (*grabs nearest newspaper): 'Sugar in talks to take over Ionica' (it says in Wednesdays Evening Standard). 'Garfield gets a pie in the face and says "I hate Mondays"', err.. 'Network Support Job going at a girls school in South Kensington'!! Now where the hell did I put my cv..?

//Steaming Great Jobbies\\

Actually found something in the UK. Part-time play testing jobs for Eidos, based in Wimbledon:

Rest is all US stuff I ripped off of FGN On-line:


The Collective. You will be assimilated (and other annoying Star Trek quips):

Bluebyte(haven't a stuffing clue who they are..):

Blizzard Entertainment:

// More blurb
// ^^^^ ^^^^^
// This thing is probably best viewed with a package that uses true-type
// fonts and wraps at about 80 chars. Gonna' look shite however you view it
// though..

// The Small Print
// ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^
'NYoosletter' is a newsletter that's sort of dedicated to Yaroze info. Send your contributions, suggestions, weapons-grade plutonium etc. to: View the archive at:

To subscribe, e-mail with the subject 'Im just an idiot searching for free emails everywhere', or just use the form at

To unsubscribe, e-mail with the subject 'That saxophone solo out of Baker Street is really a message from Sweep telling us to worship Satan'.

Registered at the Post Office as 'Another Bloody NTK Clone' etc. etc.