Currently we are working on 3 projects; two of them will be posted on
the Yaroze sites as soon as they are ready and finished.

One of the projects is a substitute for Codewarrior; but ofcourse a lot
better it is a windows based programming environment especially for
Yaroze Programmers

The second project is a DOS-based 3D level editor; it can import
3DS files and you can alter every game aspect: bitmaps, triggers,
textures, and lots more...

The third project is ofcourse a game demo called : Pocket Pilots!
think of it as Diddy Kong Racing meets Micro Machines.
They demo should be ready before this year's ECTS show and
hopefully we can find a publisher for it.

check out the renders, sketches and screenshots in the pictures
department or if you like read some parts of the
design document.

Well check out this site frequently for some updates, sketches and

and don't hesitate to mail us.